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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Things I’m thankful for this year:

Thanksgiving feast in Kandi
Peace Corps Volunteers: For being there when I want to speak to a fellow American, to share stories and experiences with. For being trustworthy, easy-going, and good listeners. For being my travel buddies, work partners, my family during holidays and celebrations, and my go-to group of people when I have a question about just about anything. For cooking a delicious Thanksgiving dinner that was just as good as being in America. We had turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, green beans, salad, stuffing, deviled eggs, vegetable pot pie, pumpkin and apple pie. Thanks to people who visited Benin or had food sent from America, and to those who picked up ingredients in larger towns in Benin, we ate very well!

Workstations: For providing electricity, internet, showers, ovens, and refrigerators to volunteers throughout the country. For giving us a place to see other volunteers to share resources and have meetings.

Work partners: For being on time. For being helpful and surprising me by going beyond my expectations. I am thankful any time this happens because it could just as easily go the other way (like arriving late or not at all!)

My house: For not being infested with rodents or insects or at least for a sealed ceiling that doesn't let the rodents in; for no break-ins; for a roof that prevents water from entering; for a latrine all to myself; for my painted walls and decorations that remind me of home.

My health and safety: For not being in any accidents or falling gravely ill.
·        Talking to my parents every Sunday: For their weekly phone calls that fill me in on life in America and allow me to explain just what the heck I do in Benin.

Electricity: For my ability to turn on lights, charge my electronics, and cool off with my fan; for my internet key that has been reliable; for the phone network that allows me to talk to other volunteers for as long as I want for one fee per month.

Food: For my access to protein sources (eggs, tofu, peanut butter, fish, powdered milk); for fruits and vegetables (sometimes); for foods sent from home; for foods I can bake/cook that remind me of home.

Books/Movies/TV shows: For the impressive libraries each workstation has that allows me to read books on any topic of my choosing; for the just as impressive amount of movies and TV shows that are shared among volunteers that keep me entertained when I want a few minutes away from Benin.

YOU!: For reading my blog and supporting me J    

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